Review: THE ADRENAL RESET DIET by Alan Christianson, NMD


Received through Blogging for Books, I chose this book since it states it will show you how to “strategically cycle carbs and proteins to lose weight, balance hormones, and move from stressed to thriving”.

So – who’s not stressed? It’s pretty much a given that today’s lifestyle is a busy, harried, stressful one. The premise of this book is that stress causes your adrenal glands to produce cortisol and cortisol causes us to store fat. Its plan is to “reset” your cortisol levels by balancing and cycling your carbs and proteins so that you don’t have high levels all the time and weight loss can happen.

Several years ago I went through a horrendously stressful period of my life. When I went for my physical that year they said that all my bloodwork looked great but that my cortisol level was “out of range” and too high. This was chalked up to my stress at that time. I’m pretty familiar with cortisol and the theories surrounding it. This book intuitively made sense to me.

The BIG plus in this book for me is it is about cycling and planning your food — not eliminating it. No ones says you can’t have carbs or dairy or fats or anything. It’s about HOW you eat (and how much of course) and WHEN you eat so that your diet is balanced and optimum for balancing cortisol levels.

I liked this book. I’m giving it a try – along with the work I’m doing with my nutritionist which is now focused on looking at how many carbs I’m getting and from what sources – to see if it helps me to lose some of this extra weight! (I also liked that it is under 300 pages. And there are recipes!).

Plus – for those of you who have been following me and know that I had those less than optimum numbers in December at my physical – through concentrated healthy eating (and exercise – but I’ve always exercised) my numbers are back into normal range for everything but cholesterol, but even that has improved in terms of ratio. Go me! ๐Ÿ™‚

Thank you to Blogging for Books and Harmony Books for my review copy!

Here’s a bit about the author via Amazon:

Alan Christianson, NMD, is a naturopathic medical doctor who specializes in natural endocrinology with a focus on thyroid disorders. He founded Integrative Health, a physician group dedicated to helping people with thyroid disease and weight loss resistance regain their health. He lives in Scottsdale with his wife and their two children. Visit him at
(book image courtesy of Amazon)